Edison Police News

Telecommunicator Appreciation Week

Apr 16, 2021 | News

Below we highlight 4 random Telecommunicators as part of the 2021 National Telecommunicator Appreciation Week.

Meet PST Supervisor Jennifer H. Jennifer has been a Dispatcher at the Edison Police Department for 15 years, and she is one of four civilian Supervisors in the Communications Center. She is the Training Coordinator for the Communications Bureau. Jennifer manages all of the in-service training for the Communication Center as well as overseeing the entire training program of newly hired Dispatchers. Jennifer’s biggest passions include teaching, developing fellow Dispatchers and watching newly hired Dispatchers becoming beyond proficient in their capacity. Her favorite aspect of her job is ensuring the safety of the Police Officers and the people we serve in Edison Township. Jennifer’s hobbies include crafting and designing home accents with a farmhouse style flair.

We would like to introduce everyone to PST Vicki S. Vicki has been a Dispatcher at the Edison Police Department for 16 years. Vicki enjoys the fact that she gets to make a difference in the lives of everyone who calls our Dispatch Center. She wants to remind everyone that one of the most important things to do when calling the Police is to give the location, in case the call disconnects, the Dispatcher knows where to send Police, Fire, or EMS. Vicki’s hobbies includes working out and eating healthy.

The Edison Police Department thanks you for your service and we appreciate your comforting voice on the radio throughout your shift.

We would like you to meet PST Paul D. Paul has been with the Edison Police Department for 4 years. He loves that fact that his job as a Dispatcher allows him to handle and deal with different situations every day. Outside of work, Paul is a 7th Dan instructor in Kenpo and a black belt in Jeet Kune Do. His hobbies include spending time with his dog and riding his motorcycle.

The Edison Police Department thanks you for all you do and your hard work and dedication to the Police Department does not go unnoticed!

Meet PST Tina C. Tina has been working as a Dispatcher in Edison Township for 16 years. She said the best part about her job is the ability to help citizens when they most need it. Tina’s hobbies include camping and spending time with her kids.

The Edison Police Department thanks you for your service and we appreciate you!